September 2, 2022
Fam Camp Baby One More Timeee!

We’re back for the final Fam Sesh of the summer!! Today we hopped on the ferry to meet our friends, both new and old. Once we got to camp of course we filled our bellies with a yummy lunch because FOOD IS LIFE. We unpacked, played some fierce games of uno and basketball, and told each other all about how much we’ve missed one another over the past year. Then, because food is life, it was already time for dinner!!! We feasted on the most delish din, then strolled down to Owen Park Beach for the first Friday event! We danced in the sand, played even more fierce games, and warmed up by the bonfire til the sun went down! After, we made it back to camp, we had an ice cream dance party to finish off the day! Time to rest up for the best weekend everrr!

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