August 19, 2023
'Cause Baby You're a Firework
Has a blog title ever been so predictable? I guess it's not if you don't know that we went to see the fireworks tonight. But we're getting ahead of ourselves, let's take it from the top. Today was an eeaaaaarly morning start for us, so that we could get dressed and ready for the Jabberwocky 5K! We loaded up first thing in the morning (sans coffee, can you believe it?) and headed to the farm to scope out the scene. Scoping scenes cannot happen without food, so we made sure to bring a delicious breakfast with us to eat there. Then we ran! Well, some of us ran, some of us passed out waters, and some of us cheered our friends on. All incredibly important roles in order to make run day function properly.
After the run was run and the awards were awarded, we said our goodbyes and went right to the beach because where else would we go after such a morn. We had a beautiful lunch on the beach, hung out, and let the water rejuvenate us. When we were feeling like it was time to head home, we gathered up our stuff and went back to camp for showers, rest, and packing (booooo packing). Then we had a lovely spaghetti dinner for our last dinner together and left camp one last time to go to see the fireworks in Oak Bluffs. They were awesome!! Needless to say, this fun filled day has us feeling a little snoozy, so we're gonna hit the hay. You can too if you wanna!

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