August 2, 2023
(Cabin) Challenge Accepted
Today was next level fantastic. After having a light breakfast (continental as hotels would say), we packed up for a special trip to The Seafood Shanty for lunch! Now, we know what you're thinking. Didn't you just have breakfast? And the answer is yes. BUT we were so pumped and took a long stroll into Edgartown to see the sights before taking over the whole restaurant and meeting the incredibly kind and fun waitstaff. It was also our celebration for James Brown's birthday today, so we got to have the whole restaurant join in to sing happy birthday! After a delicious lunch, we made our way straight to the beach for some hang time and to ride the waves. Some of us even sported our new Seafood Shanty merch, just to make sure we let everyone know where we were coming from.
When we were ready to return back to camp, we went back for showers and to prep our cabins for cabin challenge. This cabin challenge was something special, because each cabin got to decide what they wanted to challenge the rest of camp to! If we were smart, we would challenge our friends to something we already knew we were good at. But if we were feeling goofy, we would challenge everyone to something we really wanted to see, but didn't really care if we were going to win at it. Like "Most Sniffable Armpit." If any of us thought we were gonna win that one, we were sorely mistaken. It was a blast and a half and we all won in the end, as determined by our super serious panel of judges. Okay, now were snuggled and ready for rest. You rest too, why dontcha?

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